
Facebook page of Timothy Scott
Eye of the Heart
Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity
Sophia: The Journal of Traditional Studies
World Wisdom Books
Fons Vitae Publishers
Studies in Comparative Religion
Temenos Academy
The Eckhart Society
The Ibn Arabi Society



Symbolism of the Ark: The Universal Symbolism of the Receptacle of Divine Immanence (Fons Vitae, 2010).

Available through Fons Vitae and Amazon (UK) / Amazon (US).

Click here to read the Table of Contents and Preface.


‘The one and only path’ in Crossing Religious Frontiers: Studies in Comparative Religion, ed. H. Oldmeadow, Bloomington: World Wisdom Books, 2010, 92-102.

'Traversing the Waters & The Reciprocal Blessing’ in Water & It Spiritual Significance, ed. E. Lloyd-Sidle & G. Henry, Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, 2009, 98-106.

Withdrawal, Extinction and Creation: Christ’s kenosis in light of the Judaic doctrine of tsimtsum and the Islamic doctrine of fana’ in The Essential Sophia, ed. S. H. Nasr & K. O’Brien, Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom Books, 2006, 58-77.

The Logic of Mystery & the Necessity of Faith’ in The Betrayal of Tradition: Essays on the Spiritual Crisis of Modernity, ed. H.

Oldmeadow, Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom Books, 2004, 123-145.

'The Elect and the Predestination of Knowledge’ in Esotericism and the Control of Knowledge (ed.) Dr. E. Crangle, Sydney: Sydney Studies in Religion 5, 2004, 89-100.


Timothy Scott was the editor Eye of the Heart between 2007 and 2010. It addressed the inner meaning of philosophy and religion through elucidations of metaphysical, cosmological, and soteriological principles, and through a penetration of the forms preserved in each religious tradition. Four issues where published and are freely available through the Eye of the Heart website, which was designed and produced by Timothy Scott. Click here

All issues are available print-on-demand via La Trobe University Campus Graphics (click here) or click on the issue to view freely downloadable contents.

Timothy proofread and acted as copy editor for Dr William Wroth's 2007 edition of Ananda

Coomaraswamy’s, Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought? The Traditional View of Art (World Wisdom

Books). He is currently working on Ali Lakhani’s, The Timeless Relevance of Traditional Wisdom (World Wisdom Books).

Available through World Widom and Amazon (UK) / Amazon (US)

Timothy Scott co-edited Vincit Omnia Veritas: Collected Essays with Renaud Fabbri.

Vincit Omnia Veritas: The journal of perennial studies was the online journal of Religio Perennis: A Gate to Quintessential Esoterism (www.religioperennis.org) founded and managed by Renaud Fabbri (editor), Patricia Reynaud and Charles Amir Perret.

Vincit Omnia Veritas: Collected Essays includes works by Renaud Fabbri, Barry McDonald, Michael Fitzgerald, Timothy Scott, Rodney Blackhirst, Harry Oldmeadow and James Morris.

Until 2010 Vincit Omnia Veritas was only available print-on-demand through Eye of the Heart and La Trobe

As of 2010 Vincit Omnia Veritas: Collected Essays is available free.

To view the contents click here. To download click here.

Most of Timothy Scott's essays included in Vincit Omnia Veritas are available seperately below.
Dr Rodney Blackhirst's essays can also be found in his book, Primordial Alchemy and Modern Religion: Essays

on Traditional Cosmology, Sophia Perennis, 2008; available through Amazon (UK) / Amazon (US). 


Timothy has published numerous articles and papers and is a frequent contributor to the traditionalists journals Sacred Web: A Journal

Contributions in books



Timothy maintains relationships with and recommends Fons Vitae Publishers and World Wisdom Books.